Grith Ludwig
New Art From Grith Ludwig 2023

Grith Ludwig: Navigator of the unknown
Written by Diego Gama, 2015
A translation from the Danish North-Art Magazin. A portrait of Grith Ludwig.
Written by Karen Vind.
La Transición del Espìritu y el Alma
Escrito por Antonella Ladino, Junio 2015

La Artista Grith Ludwig conquista Miradas
con sus Trazos de Luz y Color
Newspaper El Regional, June 2015
This is for any of y'all finding yourself in this part of Mexico.
Written by Lenny Stoute, Toronto, Canada
• Interviewed on Culture TV Station Channel 22, Mexico City.
• Published in Danish Art Book, 2001.
• IN Magazine.
• Numerous other international interviews.
• Written by Bent Petersen, Danish Art writer/critic.
Grith Ludwig´s retrospective exhibition in Varmegalleriet in Copenhagen was work done over a period of about 20 years. Her paintings are all in an abstract expressionistic style with elements from the environment, in which they were created, and often with spiritual overtones: Cathedral like arches and transparent contours of spiritual like figures, especially of Mexico´s main guardian angel Guadalupe and of her own Francine. The exhibition also included the series "Atlantis Rising", 1990, inspired by the clairvoyant writer Edgar Cayce´s book on the sunken Atlantis. The series "Joshua Tree" gets its motives from the - especially in film connections - famous California dessert of the same name. The most recent work, painted in Mexico in 2000, was preliminary work to her new series "The Ancient New World" which is "about" the collusion between the Mexican antique world and the modern, American inspired culture.
• Quote from Albert Einstein
The most beautiful feeling, we can get, is the Mystical.
It is the seed to all true art and science.
To know, what is unimpeachable for us, really does exist and manifest itself as the biggest wisdom and the most radiant beauty - which we can only understand in the most primitive form-
This acknowledgement, this feeling is the seed in true religion.
In this understanding - and only in this - Am I deeply religious.
This quote explains my own feelings very well. Grith.
Portrait of the Artist as a
spiritual traveler
by Art writer Lenny Stoute, Toronto, Canada