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Danish International Contemporary Artist



by Art writer Lenny Stoute, Toronto, Canada

Danish International abstract expressionist artist Grith Ludwig is back on her home soil, having sorted through her reverse culture shock, as she is recently returned after many years living in Mexico. Ludwig is getting her base in Denmark back again and is planning on spending time in both Denmark and Mexico in the future. This newest work is bubbling with torrid feelings of dislocation, longing and an unmistakable urge to tear down walls and let the spirit run free.

These feelings express the narrative of Ludwig’s difficulties in relocating to Denmark, difficulties that did not exist when she left her native country. Grith declares “To be in a reverse culture shock has its ups and downs where you have no control of your own feelings. “At times it's like a dream and at other times very scary hard times.”My reverse culture shock has finally gone to work through me. It takes its own sweet time and when it arrives I am unstoppable. “I am on fire and so happy with the new work... these are on paper and I plan on making them big on canvas later.”



Captura de pantalla 2023-04-06 a la(s) 20.01.29.png
Captura de pantalla 2023-04-06 a la(s) 20.00.45.png

Image #1 is on canvas and is not part of the zeitgeist inhabited by the other four, despite its title, ‘Culture Clash’. Here, the figure is barely discernible, leaving the viewer with a sense of its feelings, feelings of triumphantly blowing past obstacles, of heading for the stylistic open seas. It’s an intuitive piece. Very much of the moment and therefore generating a feeling of excitement for what is to come. It’s an engaging and inspirational piece of work and likely hints at what’s to come from Grith Ludwig in 2023.


To get a better sense of the Ludwig aesthetic, visit her website at

Instagram: @grithludwig and Linkedin

by Art writer Lenny Stoute, Toronto, Canada

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